Dealing with your insurance company when you have to file a claim can be a real hassle. Between filing paperwork online, uploading photographic evidence of your claim, and waiting for their claims adjuster to get to your case, it can feel like nothing is being done to help relieve your financial distress. From car accidents to water damage caused by an unexpected flood, not being able to get the funds you need to make necessary repairs can have a major impact on your life. On your own, you are at the mercy of your insurance company’s schedule. But with a public adjuster in Florida, the power is back in your hands.

What Does a Public Adjuster Do for You?
A public adjuster is a professional claims adjuster who, rather than representing large, faceless insurance providers, works directly with claimants to advocate for their best interest. Just as your insurance company will have a claims agent review the details of your case to determine coverage and value, a private adjuster can do the same, but with your needs in mind.
Let’s face it, despite what the advertisements say, insurance providers are large corporations more interested in keeping money in their pocket than helping you recover. The claims adjusters who work for them are advised tasked with finding the cheapest possible solution to your claim, including coverage denial if possible. Without a public adjuster in Florida on your side, this can leave you destitute and with few options of how to get your life back on track. Car accidents, home damage, and other claims can cause serious financial strife, especially among those with little to no savings.
With a public adjuster, the knowledge and experience of an insurance professional is on your side. They know exactly how to calculate the value of your claim, including factors you may not even think about. Rather than cutting corners and looking for a fast and cheap fix, a public adjuster in Florida prioritizes getting your property back to the same condition as before your damage claim. In incidents of total loss, they can fight on your behalf to get the full value of your vehicle, appliances, or residential property.
Insurance providers hate having to deal with public adjusters because they know they can’t get away with their usual tricks. They profit when you just accept their offer because it is often well under the value of your claim. Don’t let them cheat you of your funds—contact Ameriloss today.
Why Choose Ameriloss?
At Ameriloss, our clients are always our top priority. Because we understand how devastating a claimable loss can be, we work tirelessly to get you the money you deserve. Our team of dedicated and knowledgeable public adjusters in Florida meticulously examine the facts of your case to ensure everything is covered. Costs for labor, structural damage, property loss, repair, replacement, depreciation, profit and overhead, and other items are taken into account to arrive at an accurate “real world estimate.” We are so committed to you and your recovery, we don’t get paid unless you do.

We don’t get paid unless you do.
Contact us today for more information about how we can help you with your current or previous claims.